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Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 12, 2016

An amazing world of Alligator facts

Let's along with us find out our an amazing world of Alligator facts as below


You really, really don’t want to be bitten by an alligator. That might be one of the most awesome animal facts you had no idea before. A 2004 study of wild and captive alligators found that large individuals bite down with 13,172 Newtons–or 2960 pounds–of force, one of the most powerful bites ever recorded for a living animal.


Alligators don’t have a problem with their eyes being bigger than their stomachs. Thanks to a special blood vessel—the second aorta—they’re able to shunt blood away from their lungs and towards their stomachs, stimulating the production of strong stomach acids to break down their meals faster. Juvenile alligators are capable of eating about 23 percent of their body weight in a sitting, which is equivalent to a 180 pound person eating over 41 pounds of steak au poivre at a meal.


The biggest threat to an American alligator? Other alligators. When alligators are born they’re small enough to be light snacks for their older neighbors, and a 2011 study estimated that, in one Florida lake, bigger alligators eat 6 to 7 percent of the juvenile population every year.


An alligator stomach is a hostile environment. Their stomach acids have a pH of less than 2—in the range of lemon juice and vinegar—and most soft-bodied prey is totally digested in two to three days. If you wound up in a gator stomach, however, you'd stick around a bit longer. Bone and other hard parts can take 13 to 100 days to disappear completely. That might be one of the most awesome random facts ever.


Alligators are tough—and not just because of the bony armor in their skins. Serum in American alligator blood is incredibly effective at combating bacteria and viruses, meaning that even alligators that lose limbs in mucky swamps often avoid infection.


Alligator forerunners and relatives have been around for a very long time. The largest was Deinosuchus, a 40 foot alligatoroid that lurked in coastal habitats all over North America around 70 million years ago. Damaged bones suggest that unwary dinosaurs were a regular part of the “terror croc’s” diet. Fortunately, today’s American alligators don’t come anywhere close to measuring up. Learn more about interesting science facts via our wide range of articles.


A decade-long genetic study of Louisiana alligators found that some females paired with the same males multiple times, with one in particular choosing the same mate in 1997, 2002, and 2005. Even some females that mated with multiple partners still showed long-term fidelity to particular males.

Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 11, 2016

All about Cherophobia: causes, symptoms and treatments

What is Cherophobia and the symptom? Let's along with us find out the best answer

What is Cherophobia?

Cherophobia is the fear of gaiety, happiness, joyfulness or rejoicing. The origin of the word chero is Greek (meaning to rejoice; gaiety or happiness) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear). Cherophobia is considered to be a specific phobia, which is discussed on the home page. . How much do you know about tiger facts?

What are the causes?

It is generally accepted that phobias arise from a combination of external events (i.e. traumatic events) and internal predispositions (i.e. heredity or genetics). Many specific phobias can be traced back to a specific triggering event, usually a traumatic experience at an early age. Social phobias and agoraphobia have more complex causes that are not entirely known at this time. It is believed that heredity, genetics, and brain chemistry combine with life-experiences to play a major role in the development of phobias. (Wikipedia - phobia).

What are the symptoms?

As with any phobia, the symptoms vary by person depending on their level of fear. The symptoms typically include extreme anxiety, dread and anything associated with panic such as shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, nausea, inability to articulate words or sentences, dry mouth and shaking. . That might be one of the most awesome interesting facts ever.

Can I take medicine?

Medicine can be prescribed, but please note that these medications can have side effects and/or withdrawal systems that can be severe. It is also important to note that medicines do not cure phobias, at best they only temporarily suppress the systems. However, there are treatments for phobias, which include counseling, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, and Neuro-Linguistic programming. Please click on the link at the top of the page called “Treatment Information” to find out more information on these types of treatments. Take a quick look at funny pictures with captions that can help you reduce stress quickly.

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 11, 2016

Understand the elephant to protect them

It's time to protect our plan and all of animals. I want to protec the elephant what about you? If you have the same think with me you should read some factoflife here to know about them. Here is some elephant facts for you.
Elephants are the biggestst land mammal on Earth with a long trunk, a biggest ear, tusks, and pillar-like legs. In contrast to their sleek, elephants are adorable and clumsy mammals. Let’s discover these cute animals through our collection of elephant facts for kids with information about two main species of elephants, African elephant facts and Asian elephants.

Elephant facts for kids

It is interesting that elephants are the only mammal on Earth that cannot jump. This is an interesting information about elephants for kids.
Each elephant has completely unique ears. African elephant’s ears are about three times biggestr than those of Asian elephants.
African and Asian elephants use their ears as an air conditioner. It’s interesting that African elephants tend lớn use their long ears for signaling others or protection.
In spite of their biggest ears, elephants have a poor hearing.
Another elephant fun facts to know: The average adult elephants may poop 80 pounds per day. This mammal can drink up to 80 gallons of water in just a single day.

Elephant's funny moment - Elephant facts for kids
The very first bomb dropped on Berlin by the Allies, killed the only elephant in Berlin Zoo during the World War II.
The smell of water is so familiar lớn elephants that they can recognize it from three miles away.
Elephants have a pulse rate of 27. That is one of elephant fun facts for kids.
If an elephant dies, its family members will take a very good care of the bones. This shows that elephants also have emotion like humans. That is one of interesting information about elephants for kids.
Elephants can live for as long as 70 years.
Elephants spend about 16 hours eating in a single day.
Elephants just sleep about 5 hours a night. They sleep while standing. Another elephant factsthat you should know!

Elephant’s long trunk has no bones. Over 150,000 muscles and nerves provide the trunk’s flexibility.
Elephants have a really tough skin, it’s about một inch thick. This is unbelievable!
An elephant has enough control over their power lớn grasp and lift a raw egg with the trunk without breaking the shell.
Elephants listen with their feet and their ears. When an elephant speaks, it creates a low-pitched rumbling sound that is almost inaudible but sends vibrations through the earth.
Elephants will fill their trunk with up to about 5 quarts of water then empty it into their mouth to drink.
An elephant’s trunk also serves as a straw or a hose.

You can find somethings cool in my blog animal, birds, news,.....

Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 11, 2016

Is it true that animals can predict earthquakes?

Is it true that animals can predict earthquakes? Have you ever thought about this mystery? Let's along with us discover the answer now

The earliest reference we have to unusual animal behavior prior to a significant earthquake is from Greece in 373 BC. Rats, weasels, snakes, and centipedes reportedly left their homes and headed for safety several days before a destructive earthquake. Anecdotal evidence abounds of animals, fish, birds, reptiles, and insects exhibiting strange behavior anywhere from weeks to seconds before an earthquake. However, consistent and reliable behavior prior to seismic events, and a mechanism explaining how it could work, still eludes us. Most, but not all, scientists pursuing this mystery are in China or Japan. Learn more about science facts via our articles.

We can easily explain the cause of unusual animal behavior seconds before humans feel an earthquake. Very few humans notice the smaller P wave that travels the fastest from the earthquake source and arrives before the larger S wave. But many animals with more keen senses are able to feel the P wave seconds before the S wave arrives. As for sensing an impending earthquake days or weeks before it occurs, that's a different story.

A once popular theory purported that there was a correlation between Lost Pet ads in the San Jose Mercury News and the dates of earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay area. A thorough statistical analysis of this theory, published in California Geology in 1988, concluded that there was no such correlation, however.

Another paper published in a scientific journal in the U.S. on this subject by a respected scientist in 2000 is summarized here... That might be one of the most awesome animals facts you had no idea before.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho why can animals sense earthquakes

The paper poses this question: Is it reasonable for a seismic-escape behavior pattern to evolve, and can such a genetic system be maintained in the face of selection pressures operating on the time scales of damaging seismic events? All animals instinctively respond to escape from predators and to preserve their lives. A wide variety of vertebrates already express “early warning” behaviors that we understand for other types of events, so it’s possible that a seismic-escape response could have evolved from this already-existing genetic predisposal. An instinctive response following a P-wave seconds before a larger S wave is not a “huge leap”, so to speak, but what about other precursors that may occur days or weeks before an earthquake that we don’t yet know about? If in fact there are precursors to a significant earthquake that we have yet to learn about (such as ground tilting, groundwater changes, electrical or magnetic field variations), indeed it’s possible that some animals could sense these signals and connect the perception with an impending earthquake.

However, much research still needs to be done on this subject. The author suggests establishing a baseline behavior pattern that can be compared with reactions of various environmental stimuli, and then testing various potential stimuli in the laboratory. Of course, the presence of these stimuli still needs to be researched with regard to precursory phenomena preceding an earthquake, for if these signals aren’t present in the environment before an earthquake, a connection is irrelevant. Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 11, 2016

Open your mind with Guinea pig facts

Open your mind with Guinea pig facts: Guinea pigs, or cavies as they are also known, have been kept in households as companion animals since being introduced by European traders in the 16th century.

  • Guinea pigs are not actually pigs. They are rodents.
  • Guinea pigs will eat all day and night.
  • They are vegetarians and love green grass and vegetables. This might be one of the most interesting facts about Guinea Pigs 
  • When they sense their owner is nearby they will squeak to get their attention.
  • They are very social animals and love the company of others, even humans.
  • They do not bite in defence and will only bite because they think your hand is food.
  • They need a supplement of vitamin c as they do not produce it themselves.
  • Guinea pigs love to be held as they love contact.
  • After they are born, male guinea pigs need to be taken away from their mother’s as they may try and mate with her after a month. Let’s discover some interesting science facts that will amaze you.
  • Although male guinea pigs are called boars and females are called sows, guinea pigs are actually rodents, and not related to pigs at all. They don’t come from Guinea either!
  • Guinea pigs are highly social. Wild ancestors live in groups with a dominant male. While in domestic environments, they become lonely and depressed if kept alone.
  • Young guinea pigs can run only 3 hours after being born.
  • Unlike other rodents, guinea pig pups are born with a full body of hair and their eyes open.
  • Although domestication has led to a reduction in brain size for guinea pigs, they are still just as smart as their wild relatives. They have excellent spatial orientation and are able to learn complex maze tasks using symbols as sign posts.
  • Guinea pigs do not have visible tails.
  • Gnawing is an essential behaviour for guinea pigs. This helps to wear off the tips of their incisors which grow continually throughout their lives. If they are not able to gnaw, the teeth will grow too long and they will be unable to eat.
Are you bored? Let’s have a quick look at our funny images that are bound to bring smile on your face.

Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 11, 2016

Beaver facts and information

I have a keen interested on Beaver facts and just want to share this amazing information about to all of you


Although they didn’t have the characteristic flat tail, giant beavers of the Ice Age, known as “Castoroides,” looked remarkably similar to their modern descendants—just much, much bigger. They grew to be up to 8 feet long and 200 pounds and lived a semi-aquatic life.


In fact, it’s sometimes used in vanilla flavorings. Castoreum is a chemical compound that mostly comes from a beaver’s castor sacs, which are located under the tail. It is secreted as a brown slime that's about the consistency of molasses and smells like musky vanilla. It’s an FDA-approved natural flavoring.


The world’s largest beaver dam stretches 850 meters deep in the thick wilderness of northern Alberta. It was discovered after being spotted on a satellite image in 2007, but scientists believe multiple generations of beavers have been working on the dam since the 1970s. Last September, explorer Rob Mark became the first person to ever reach the dam. Did you enjoy these animal facts?


Or at least they're monogamous. Dams are usually started by a young male looking for love or by a mated-for-life new couple. A whole beaver family will live in a single dam—mom, dad, young kids, and yearlings.


In 1948, new human inhabitants of western Idaho began to clash with the local beaver population. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game wanted to put these threatened beavers in a nearby protected area, but they didn't know how to get them there. Elmo Heter of Idaho Fish and Game devised an ingenious solution: By using surplus parachutes from World War II, the department could drop boxes of beavers down from planes. After some careful calibrations, 76 beavers made the skydive into the basin, and all but one survived the fall. Do you want to check out our long and rich source of tigers facts in your spare time?


This one may sound obvious, but up until the 1100s, people thought that beavers did. The myth originated in ancient Egypt and reappeared in the bestiaries of medieval Europe. The story went that beavers knew hunters were after them for the valuable castoreum oil in their testicles. This myth was not terribly difficult to disprove, largely because beaver testicles do not hang outside their bodies.


And not just because they have terrible dental hygiene. To gnaw through tree trunks, they need extra-strong teeth. Fortunately, their tooth enamel contains iron, which makes them incredibly strong, sharp, and orange. Because the orange enamel on the front of their teeth wears away more slowly than the white dentin on the back, a beaver’s teeth self-sharpen as he chews on trees.


Beavers build dams for a myriad of reasons, and one is so that the lake behind it will grow deep enough to ensure it doesn’t freeze all the way through during the winter. This bit of temperature control is especially crucial because beavers anchor a food cache to the bottom of the lake to serve as sustenance during the cold months.


A beaver’s oversized leathery tail, which can grow up to 15 inches long and six inches wide, has uses both on land and in the water. While swimming, the beaver uses his tail as a rudder or as a siren by slapping it against the water to warn other beavers of a predator. On dry land, the tail acts a prop to allow the beaver to sit upright or as a counterbalance so he doesn’t tip over while carrying heavy supplies in his teeth.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Beaver facts


Until recently, the last mention of a beaver sighting in England came in 1789 when a bounty was paid for a beaver head in Yorkshire. By that point, the once prolific beaver had dwindled due to over-hunting for their valuable pelts and medicinal glands. For several hundred years, the species disappeared from Great Britain, and it was assumed they’d gone extinct. Last year, a retired environmental scientist documented a family of beavers living near his home, but now the rodents are causing a controversy. Although beavers are also making a comeback on the continent—after numbers dwindled to just 1,200 the population is now estimated around 300,000—British officials are concerned the ecosystem has changed too much to accommodate them.

Just keep checking out our site everyday to get more updated news and information about everylife aspects as animal, plant or science facts and so on.

Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 10, 2016

Science facts for kids about light

Reading and enjoying these following random facts about science facts for kids about light

The speed of light in a vacuum stands at exactly 299,792,458 metres per second. The reason today we can put an exact figure on it is because the speed of light in a vacuum is a universal constant that has been measured with lasers; and when an experiment involves lasers, it’s hard to argue with the results. As to why it comes out somewhat conspicuously as a whole number, this is no coincidence- the length of metre is defined using this constant: “the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second.”

Prior to a few hundred years ago, it was generally agreed or at least assumed that the speed of light was infinite, when in actuality it’s just really, really, really fast, for reference, the lightspeed is just slightly slower than the fastest thing in the known universe, a teenage girl’s response time if Justin Bieber were to say on Twitter, “The first to reply to this tweet will be my new girlfriend.”

The first known person to question the whole “speed of light is infinite” thing was the 5th century BC philosopher Empedocles. Less than a century later, Aristotle would disagree with Empedocles and the argument continued for more than 2,000 years after.

One of the first prominent individuals to actually come up with a tangible experiment to test whether light had a speed was Dutch Scientist, Isaac Beeckman in 1629. Despite living in a time before lasers- which gives me the chills just thinking about- Beeckman understood that, lacking lasers, the basis of any good scientific experiment should always involve explosions of some kind; thus, his experiment involved detonating gunpowder.

Beeckman placed mirrors at various distances from the explosion and asked observers whether they could see any difference in when the flash of light reflected from each mirror reached their eyes. As you can probably guess, the experiment was “inconclusive”.

A similar more famous experiment that didn’t involve explosions was possibly conducted or at the very least proposed by Galileo Galilei just under a decade later in 1638. Galileo, like Beeckman also suspected that the speed of light wasn’t infinite and made passing references to an experiment involving lanterns in some of his work. His experiment (if he ever conducted it at all), involved placing two lanterns a mile apart and trying to see if there was any noticeable lag between the two; the results were inconclusive. The only thing Galileo could surmise was that if light wasn’t infinite, it was fast and that experiments on such a small scale were destined to fail.

It wasn’t until Danish Astronomer, Ole Römer entered the fray that measurements of the speed of light got serious. In an experiment that made Galileo flashing lanterns on a hill look like a primary school science fair project, Römer determined that, lacking lasers and explosions, an experiment should always involve outer space. Thus, he based his observations on the movement of planets themselves, announcing his groundbreaking results on August 22, 1676.

What’s even more amazing is that the reason for Römer’s estimation being a little too slow is thought to have less to do with any mistake on his part and more to do with the science facts that the commonly accepted diameter of the Earth and Jupiter orbits were off when Römer did his calculations. Meaning yes, Römer was only wrong because other people weren’t as awesome at science as he was. In fact, if you slot the correct orbit numbers into what is thought to be his original calculations from reports before his papers were destroyed in the aforementioned fire, his estimation is nearly spot on.

So even though he was technically wrong and even though James Bradley came up with a more accurate number in 1729, Römer will go down in history as the guy who first proved that the speed of light was not infinite and worked out a reasonably accurate ballpark figure on what the exact speed was by observing the movements of a speck orbiting a giant ball of gas positioned about 780 million kilometres away. That right there ladies and gentlemen is how a badass, lacking lasers, does science.

Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 9, 2016

The most interesting and amazing facts about the nutrition

We've collected some of the most interesting and amazing facts about the nutrition. Just keep reading for more detail:
Related to  Vitamin C foods

Kết quả hình ảnh cho nutrition
  1. Drying fruit depletes it of 30-80% of its vitamin and antioxidant content
  2. A 2010 study found that 48% of soda fountain contained fecal bacteria, and 11% contained E. Coli.
  3. 9 out of 10 Americans are deficient in Potassium.
  4. Blueberries will not ripen until they are picked.
  5. About 150 people per year are killed by coconuts.
  6. Ketchup was used as a medicine back in the 1930’s.
  7. Honey never spoils.
  8. About half of all Americans are on a diet on any given day.
  9. A hardboiled egg will spin, but a soft boiled egg will not.
  10. Avacados are poisonous to birds.
  11. Chewing gum burns about 11 calories per hour.
  12. Studies show that eating spicy food can help you live longer.
For more factoflife

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 9, 2016

Vitamin C - the most important ingredient used in skin care treatments

It is true that Vitamin C is the most important ingredient used in skin care treatments. Let's see why and which benefits Vitamin C can bring to your skin

Kết quả hình ảnh cho vitamin c foods effect on skin

Sun Protection

Vitamin C protects our skin from free radicals that develop due to excess exposure to the sun, environmental pollution and regular smoking. The antioxidants in Vitamin C protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and the effect of sunlight exposure.

Vitamin C helps to reduce sun burns caused by the exposure to ultra violet radiation to a great extent. It not only reduces sunburns but also prevents the consequences of long term sun exposure that can lead to skin cancer.

Production Of Collagen

Vitamin C is a required component for the production of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, both of which are needed to bind the molecules that produce collagen. This, in turn, firms and tones the skin. Collagen deficiency makes the skin dull and lifeless. Collagen rejuvenates the skin from the roots and reduces wrinkles and symptoms of aging.

Heals Wounds

The body uses Vitamin C to replace the damaged tissue and helps to heal the wound at a faster pace. Wounds that heal slowly indicate Vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C improves the skin elasticity and helps to create scar tissue and ligaments for quick recovery.

Protects Against Skin Discolouration

Vitamin C protects DNA from photochemical reactions that can lead to tumor, skin discolouration and several kinds of skin cancer. It also inhibits the production of Pyrimidine dimers that are the primary cause of melanomas in humans.

It lightens dark discoloration like skin freckles and age spots and helps to get a younger and smoother skin.

Improves Skin Texture

Collagen also provides the structure for the blood vessels. The tiny blood vessels under the skin carry oxygen and nutrients that keep the skin healthy. Without enough nutrients, the skin will become rough and dry. Creams containing Vitamin C improve the appearance and texture of the skin.

Vitamin C increases the formation of elastin which thickens, protects and heals the skin cells. The thickening effect helps retain moisture, increases the skin circulation and plumps up the skin surface.

See other awesome news about single malt whiskey

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 8, 2016

Animal and Human Health

If you’re looking for the most amazing animal facts, you’re at the right place. Here is animal and human health relationship that can surprise you so much:

Animals play an important role in many people’s lives. In addition to seeing-eye dogs and dogs that can be trained to detect seizures, animals can also be used in occupational therapy, speech therapy, or physical rehabilitation to help patients recover. Aside from these designated therapeutic roles, animals are also valued as companions, which can certainly affect the quality of our lives. Is that companionship beneficial to our health?

Kết quả hình ảnh cho play with pets

The better we understand the human-animal bond, the more we can use it to improve people’s lives. 
This article summarizes what is known and not known about how animals help improve the health and well-being of people, and what the implications might be for helping people who don’t have pets of their own. Over 71 million American households (62%) have a pet, and most people think of their pets as members of the family. Some research studies have found that people who have a pet have healthier hearts, stay home sick less often, make fewer visits to the doctor, get more exercise, and are less depressed. Pets may also have a significant impact on allergies, asthma, social support, and social interactions with other people.
Also see plant facts

Kết quả hình ảnh cho play with pets

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 8, 2016

Penguins are birds but can't fly

Have you thought about this penguin facts mystery: Penguins are birds but can't fly? Do you want to have reasonable explaination for this? Keep reading

Like many birds, penguins must travel a long way between their feeding and breeding grounds. But rather than fly, they swim. It is a hard journey that has left biologists scratching their heads over why the birds did not keep their ability to fly as their diving ability evolved. A new study argues that birds cannot be both masterful divers and flyers, because flying abilities must weaken as the animals adapt to diving.

Rather than looking at penguins, a team led by biologist Kyle Elliott at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada, examined species of diving seabirds that still have some ability to fly. These included the pelagic cormorant (Phalacrocorax pelagicus), a species that propels itself underwater with webbed feet, and the thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia), which flaps its wings underwater to swim.

The researchers tagged murres with recorders that measured the time of dives as well as depth and temperature, and cormorants with data-loggers that measured depth, temperature and acceleration changes during dives. They also injected isotope-tagged water into the birds. When the researchers tested the birds later, the tags enabled them to work out just how much carbon dioxide and water vapour the birds had expelled since the water was introduced, and thus to calculate the energy expended for diving and flying.
Read more: elephants for kids

The team then compared their results to some that had already been collected for birds such as geese and penguins. They found that both cormorants and murres must spend exceedingly large amounts of energy to fly — the highest known among all flying birds.

When it came to diving, the energy costs for the foot-propelled cormorants were much higher than expected for a similarly sized penguin. The wing-propelled murres had diving costs lower than those of cormorants, but still 30% greater than those experienced by penguins of the same size. The results appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences1.

The findings reveal a snapshot showing that murres are sitting on an evolutionary knife edge. Elliott and his colleagues speculate that because the wings of a murre are still built for flight, they create drag underwater. Furthermore, their small bodies, which are just light enough for them to take off, cool down more quickly than the bulkier bodies of penguins.

“Basically, they have to reduce their wings or grow larger to improve their diving, and both would make flying impossible,” says Robert Ricklefs, an ornithologist at the University of Missouri–St. Louis and co-author of the paper.
You might be like to see interesting animal facts

Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 8, 2016

Life of sea stars in museum’s glass menagerie

See how interesting is it:
<em>Tubularia indivisa</em>

From 1863 to 1890, Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka made more than 10,000 sea creatures out of glass. There were anemones with tapered tentacles and pearled undersides, translucent jellyfish trailing the most delicate threads and feather stars more than worthy of their name despite their rigid composition. The intricate invertebrates, crafted by the father-son team at their studio in Dresden, Germany, were shipped across the world to serve as teaching models at universities and museums. In an era before marine surveys and underwater photography, before the rise of scuba diving resorts, the Blaschkas showed the world the wonders of the sea.
Would you like to see other  interesting science facts

Over five dozen of their glass wonders are now on display at the Corning Museum of Glass in “Fragile Legacy.” Though the exhibit opens with glass eyeballs and a piece of jewelry — a nod to the Blaschkas’ pre-invertebrate business — the highlight is a darkened room set up like an aquarium, with sea creatures seemingly floating in blue. There’s a notable absence of museum placards and descriptions. “We really want people to look at the glassiness,” says Marvin Bolt, a curator of the exhibit, before pointing out the “Field Guide to Underwater Models.” The pamphlet contains each animal’s species name, as it was known in 1885 (when Cornell University acquired the pieces, now on loan to Corning) and as it is known today.
The Blaschkas combined stalks, pearls and a super thin barrel of glass to create this sea anemone, labeledBunodes crispa. While some glass was fused while hot, other pieces were attached once the glass had cooled.

Often the Blaschkas used other materials, such as paper, as seen in the webbing between this octopus’s tentacles. Different materials react differently to environmental conditions over time, creating a challenge for conservationists.

This oaten pipes hydroid, Tubularia indivisa, could easily be mistaken for a type of flower. The Blaschkas called the draping pearls “Tubularia grapes.”

Before creating their glass, the Blaschkas made detailed drawings from live organisms, shipments of semipreserved invertebrates and natural history texts. “The more they started making, the more well-known they became and the more access they were given,” says curator Marvin Bolt.

To create this sea cucumber, the Blaschkas glued glass dots onto the tubular body and then painted the body. The 15 tentacles surrounding the mouth help the creature feed

The aquarium offers a sense of the Blaschkas’ style, but it’s the room next door that provides the substance. Sketches and watercolors, bottles of colored powders, tweezers, pliers, scoops and wire, along with a demonstration video, give a fuller sense of how the Blaschkas did their work. Equally impressive are the matchboxes filled with kleine augen (“little eyes” in German) and other tiny but uniform component pieces, suggestive of an assembly line approach to handcrafting the final glass forms. A series of case studies explains how conservators stabilized the pieces, and a trailer for a related documentary, also titled Fragile Legacy, highlights the vulnerability, not of the glass, but of the real-world creatures living in warming seas.

Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 7, 2016

China's upcoming super-secure Internet from space

The secret message sent by this method will be very difficult to read and intervention, brings many advantages in military and national trade for ownership.

China is preparing to build a super-secure version of Internet from space, according to The Sun. Beijing preparing to launch "satellite quantum" first in the world, is designed specifically to test new communication technologies.

Chinese experts believe that their work will spark an arms race office Monday when Russia, Europe and the United States is also vying to master this technology.

China's upcoming super-secure Internet from space
"Sure, I think there will be a race", Chaoyang Lu, a physicist at the University of Science and Technology of China, said. "If the first satellite launch goes well, China will definitely free up more".
Quantum technologies that someday will allow countries to communicate in absolute security. It works by firing tiny particles called protons from a great distance.

These protons are sent by a certain configuration to convey the message. These messages will be very difficult to read, and it is difficult to forge because any intervention also left traces.

Professor Lu believes that a network of 20 satellites will allow quantum China, or the competitors of these countries, providing secure Internet for the whole world.

Researchers at the University of Strathclyde in the UK is also working in this field, as well as the US NASA scientists. Which country will be the first successful military advantages and trade, because the ability to communicate completely confidential can help large enterprises as well as the army, navy and air force.

There is an "Internet stations" in space is also useful for monitoring activities, as it allows the spy "inspired" all over the earth with high-resolution cameras, and conceal tracking results is from the public and national enemies.

Dolphin massacre victims in Sri Lanka

For years, the dolphin massacre victims in Sri Lanka took place without any obstacles (?!). François Xavier Pelletier reporters during a fact brought evidence of the brutal disregard of international law.

Medium iron hook embedded deep in the flesh of the dolphin. It struggled, trying to get rid of that strange enemies. Animals were pulled aboard the ship, wriggling in pain in a pool of blood. Hissed the cries, dolphins like crying. Fisherman are preparing to take the blade ripped open the iron workers.

Sri Lankan fishermen despite the Europeans have to spend money to buy tickets to the pond to admire fishes have eyes like humans. For them, the "blue ocean" is a giant food warehouse. Moreover, they say dolphins are manatees.

Dolphin massacre victims in Sri Lanka
To learn more, François-Xavier Pelletier reporters together to sail with them. The trip that he almost did not return.

"I gave up a 10m long boat, on the radio that no buoys and rescue, only one old compass. They all rely on the same captain Gamini 3 fishermen "- Pelletier said. From the moment of departure, they had told him about the boat lost persons and the public did not know at, or on the fishermen drifted to the Marquises Islands and jailed.

In the middle of the cabin is a huge gazole tub, so we just can sleep 3 people in it, others tried to rest next to the engine. It cried loudly during 24/24. And hatches for containing ice. What I remember most is the smell of oil, the smell of fish to vomit on the boat flipped.

"Out of the 170 nautical mile coast, 2 times broken engine. With a boat like that, any other sailor will return to port. But this can not be obtained for Sri Lankan fishermen living by the sea, which only. Imagine my horror to learn that no one on the crew know about the latest machinery. I have to fix yourself, no choice than ".

"Like every evening, the crew cast nets to catch fish. One day, a storm arises, we have not seen during my 25 years at sea. White sea foam, waves covering up the boat. The only way the boat into the net column. If this wire is broken, the boat will be swept away like a reed. The fishermen kneel before the altar to pray and burn incense Buddha. The next morning, we found a dead dolphin caught by nets. Fishermen butchered it for bait. Then they eat the heart, see it as a premium item".

Sri Lankan fishermen often ask dolphins to find fish stream. They know that when there are dolphins in the sea, that deep can of tuna. But when not catch the tuna, they turned to catch the dolphins. Sometimes 5 boats can carry about 65 dead whales. Beruwella port has more than 200 fishing boats catch average of 3,000 dolphins every year. But how much value is there: just 12 euros a cheaper tuna and yellow 20 times to 10 times cheaper than sharks.

The massacre took place quietly, in spite of the Government of Sri Lanka signed a law established whale sanctuary and dolphins in the Indian Ocean. And since 1993, an international agreement stipulates a maximum prison term of two years for those who kill, buy or sell dolphins and whales in the waters there. But the result is almost zero.

 Because once the Sri Lankan fishermen were not well equipped to catch tuna, when no flow detector fish for dolphins tragedy will continue. Experts estimate that each year about 30,000 dolphins to be killed. The dolphin protection organizations are trying to call on the Government of Sri Lanka quickly to prevent accidents on the dolphins caught on.

Discovered 2,200-year-old mummy obesity

They are old, important enough to be embalmed, but that is not where the image to emulate you. You are overweight and obese, lazy even further? It looks but not only you like that, I'm not talking about this era, but from thousands of years ago muscles!

First. the remaining part of the remains of a 2,200 year old ancient pastors have been on display at the Israel Museum last Tuesday. CT scan showed the mummy was that this man, named Iret-hor-IRU (Eye of Horus Protection) illnesses such as arterial blockage tooth decay, the diseases commonly found in many fatty society obesity today.

Discovered 2,200-year-old mummy obesity
Exhibition curator Galit Bennett said the mummy is nicknamed Alex met many other diseases such as osteoporosis and loss benefits, the signs indicate that this person when alive were eating a lot of sugar and starch. Alex autopsy showed less activity and less in the sun, just sitting in the enjoyment of life's regal Egyptian elite.

"Osteoporosis is a disease typical in the 20th century, when people no longer have to work hard anymore. Generation onwards he began tied to the computer screen more", he Bennett pot. "We were surprised that in the past many thousands of years ago, also has the physical inactivity affects the body as this example here."

But what really is not strange, because according to the ancient sculptors, the overweight is a sign of money and health. That the food is not plentiful and the "fat" is something to pursue. In Europe, major weight shows you have a life of wealth, not hard physical labor whatsoever. It seems that the ancient Egyptians did not so much different.

But Alex is not "obese mummy" single. An experimental sessions were conducted in 2013 on the 137 mummies from around the world have shown that 34% of these mummies was cardiovascular disease. Even the study of the corpse found near Kagamil Island Alaska also showed that cardiovascular disease is not uncommon, even in those who regularly exercise.

Although many consider atherosclerotic disease is disease of modern times, but the evidence that has emerged from this disease before forming the modern world has opened up the possibility that cardiovascular disease is a nature has not been studied. Anyway, do not be inactive, and eating too much food is harmful to health, keep yourself healthy.